Short Essay on Bullying

This is an example of an essay on bullying. It is an expository essay that shows how a large number of children and young people suffer from harassment not only in primary and secondary school but also via the internet.

Title of the essay: “Cyberbullying and its repercussions in real life”

Type of essay: Exhibition essayEssay on Bullying

Length: 434 words

Topic: Bullying

Bullying has always been present in schools and social circles of different kinds. However, with the emergence of social networks has become a subject that arouses the concern of parents and society in general. This is because cases have already been known that have resulted in fatal consequences, where the affected could not stand the situation anymore. For these reasons, it is important to analyze cyberbullying and its repercussions in real life.

Initially, the term bullying was used to define an extraordinary event, an anomaly that occurred in schools and that sought to be disconnected from the world of adults. But the problem is born of the violence that every human being is capable of manifesting, and that is part of its history. It is something that has been studied by specialists in the field of social sciences, being brought out from the late twentieth century as a recurring behavior. Now that it is recognized and considered inadmissible, the cases arouse great public interest.

Although initially his concept was limited to the school case and consisted of the repetitive harassment and intimidation carried out by the aggressor (s). Currently, the Internet and especially social networks have seen the emergence of cyberbullying. In this way, people of all ages are prey to psychological aggression of different types and this has the ability to deteriorate their health to the full extent, as they represent their humiliation and destroy their self-esteem, affecting their mind that then affects the body.

For the most part, the victims are usually adolescents between the ages of twelve and seventeen. Also, women are the most likely to experience these attacks. They are insults, diatribes, abuse and threats that take the form of text messages, audios, photos, and videos. Causing the suffering of millions of young people from different countries, who tend to develop disorders such as depression, which can then lead to suicide.

Then, the possible repercussions of cyberbullying in real life are alarming. Not only do we bring about a general deterioration in the health of the individual. But it is a reflection of the level of violence that characterizes the current world, and the lack of sensitivity that the new generations have in this regard. In addition, it must become a reason to put aside the hate speech that has always been part of society. Where there is discrimination based on gender, religion, sexual orientation or race.

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