Short Essay about Dreams at Night

Throughout life, we ​​spend a third of it sleeping, but not always dreaming.

If we add all the walks that we do every night to the house of Morpheus, the total would give us, on average, three years of fantasy and stories that take us to places that, otherwise, we would never have known. Contrary to what most people think, the brain is still ” functioning ” because it only reduces 20% of its activity compared to the normal waking state.

To become aware of what the dream is, I will first explain roughly ” perception .” Perception is an apprehension of reality through the senses. It is a sensocognitive process in which things become manifest as such in an act of experience. Perception begins as a process, with that openness to the reality that is called attention.

Essay on Dreams

How do we keep it? How do we create the memory that we will use later to create the dream?

Imagine a pond of calm water to which we throw a stone. As we can imagine, a series of waves are created that cover the entire space of the pond. Well, we can say that these waves are the memories of an experience that is prolonged through energy stimuli, produced by synaptic contacts which in the brain. The pond would be the complex nervous system and, more specifically, the one distributed by the cortex from where the energy stimuli would leave the brain, which is responsible for recreating the dream.

In other words, consciousness, memories, lived experience, does not seem to be divided into fragments; It is rather a current, a flow. Each memory, each experience seems to be discontinuous acts, but each one of them is sustained by the fluid mass of our entire psychological existence. Each of them is but the most illuminated point of a moving area, which includes everything we feel, think, want; the totality of who we are at any given time.

And what does this have to do with dreams?

Well, as is logical the waves of the pond that are those memories end up reaching the shore and lose their shape, their energy and disappear, the dream would be responsible for restoring those waves-memories, to redirect experiences in a constant flow in the stream of consciousness. So what we experience today, days, months or even years later we can relive it. Of course, the more time you spend, the harder it will be to restore exactly the experiences. But do not worry, because if we are missing a piece of the puzzle, of memory, we can deceive ourselves and recreate that piece in the way that interests us most.

So can we “read” dreams?

Well, considering that during the dream we rearrange our experiences, if any of them have us more “normal -centered ” ego-centered , it would be logical to think that in restoring those wave-memories we will do it in line with the experimentation that more ego occupy us.

The ego according to Freud’s theory, is the ability to realize what is happening inside us, relating it to events outside of us, to the extent that we are interested. Therefore it is very logical to think that dreams are interpretations to be carried out as learning or training as to what happens, always under careful interpretation, since during the REM phase ( rapid eye movements ) of sleep, norepinephrine and serotonin disappear, and they are the reason why thoughts cannot be organized and become incoherent, we lose our sense, identity and become disoriented, from the hand of Alice in her wonderland.

“Dreams, dreams are, longings of past, present of a yesterday, like clouds that will not return, but they will always be there.”

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