Best Essay on Education

Education Definition

In the field of human psycho-social development, the process designed and intended to ensure the learning of specific elements and knowledge, in the members of a society, is known by the name of Education, in order to provide them with statutes of behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes, that allow them the productive performance in the specific group, where they are immersed. In this way, Education and the way in which it should be taught, the age at which it should begin and the characteristics that it must have has become the basis of debate of the last generations, since there are several currents of thought that converge in the analysis of this human fact, so there is no single point of view, much less that considered as the absolute or correct.

Essay on Education

Education Managers:

Among some of the debates involved in this human process, perhaps one of the main ones is who should be responsible for providing Education in the members of a society since they are in the early stages of childhood. In this sense, School (institution responsible for educating people academically) and Home (social institution responsible for raising subjects) seem to point out to each other the obligations that each one must add around trying to print the knowledge on each of the members, habits, and behaviors they want.

Thus, some think that the School is the only one destined to impart knowledge, while other currents suggest that the Home cannot remain outside the formative process of a human being, from its initial stages. Thirdly, there is a slightly more comprehensive current that indicates that Education is a continuous process, which begins from the moment the child arrives in the world so that his parents are the first responsible for teaching the first notions of behavior and information. More ahead, this individual will enter a School where they will teach academic skills and knowledge while reinforcing those learned at home.

Therefore, it could be inferred that the education of an individual is made up of the values ​​and skills that he learns from a young age at home with his caregivers, and that they are expanded and reinforced during his childhood and adolescence by the School. In this way, those involved in the process must march in unison, in an integrated, cooperative and communicative manner, without detracting from their obligations, in order to guarantee the subject the greatest amount of tools to become a productive and good person.

Learn or create?

Likewise, one of the discussions that has been imposed in recent generations is about the academic approach that Education should have, at all levels of study. Until just the last century, it was thought that this process consisted of the transmission of knowledge, in its capture and repetition to the tracing by the student. Not to mention that this last noun – that is, student – can be translated as “absence of light”, so that the person was seen as a dark place in which the teacher brought the light in, printing knowledge so that He will pick them up and repeat.

However, in recent decades this has been changing, and people who receive an education are beginning to be seen as “students” since their main function is to study. In addition, the approach has also been approaching to be able to see in the creative fact of each person in the center of Education. In this way, every day, the educational process is transformed into a collective mechanism, in which it is sought that the student learns to produce their own Education and areas of study. In short, creativity, curiosity, methodology, and results are valued more than the ability to repeat the concepts indicated in a text as a mirror.

In the coming years, the review of the canons and methods that Education should have promises to follow its evolution, making the educational institutions of each country take part in the discussion of new methods and technologies to ensure an Education more in line with the times that the real needs of the individuals that integrate it are already lived.

Education as a Law

Likewise, one of the great advances that Education had during the last centuries was to cease to be a privilege of the most powerful, because during ancient times the only ones destined to educate academically were the nobles or members of the Church so that the rest of the population was doomed to live in the darkness of ignorance, without knowing how to read or write. In this way knowledge was a vetoed fact to most.

Gradually, and above all from the Enlightenment onwards, this was changing. Making Humanity every day more aware of the need for a human being to access Educationbasic, in order to have universal knowledge. Perhaps another of the great processes that influenced the massification of Education was the Industrial Revolution and economic liberalism, since both sought a migratory process of people, from the countryside, in order to concentrate the workforce of cities in the factories. Likewise, the expansion of the Industry and the new technologies need the specialization of more people. It became essential for the population to study, in order to be prepared to cover the technological and economic requirements of the new system.

On the other hand, political thinking also evolved on the way out of the barbarism that Humanity lived in the dark years of the Middle Ages. Little by little, we began to talk about the Human Rights that each person has, for the simple fact of belonging to Humanity. Thus, Education began to be considered part of that Law, which in parallel originated that it also began to be seen as an obligation of the States. Today, in most countries of the world, Education is a Right of any citizen, having it as a Human Right, not negotiable, independent of secular power, and mandatory by the State.

The future of Education

However, much remains to be written in this regard, because even as a law recognized by international institutions, there are many aspects to discuss and establish. An example of this can be the great debate that exists on Education towards people with some kind of intellectual or physical disability, who until recently were signed to special campuses, where they were educated in a particular way, according to their various conditions.

Today, a review of these parameters has been made, discovering that even with different abilities, Persons with Disabilities do not have to be excluded from formal education, then being gradually incorporated into an Education that promises and has the challenge to be more inclusive and integral every day. In this way, most countries begin to practice the School Integration of Persons with Disabilities, who in exercise of the Rights they have as humans, cannot remain outside the educational system. This integration process being extremely positive also to form future generations much more aware of the immense diversity that humankind implies.


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