Expository Essay on Honesty Sample

Sample essay on honesty. This is an expository essay that helps us understand the importance of having an honest attitude in society, especially in interpersonal relationships.

Title of the essay: The importance of honesty in interpersonal relationships

Type of essay: Expository essayEssay on Honesty

Length: 426 words

Topic: Honesty

Values ​​represent one of the fundamental pillars of society, as they allow the orientation of people’s behavior to be able to coexist with others. Although there are several of them that must be instilled from an early age, so that children learn how they should act according to certain types of situations, there is no doubt that honesty is one of the most important, both in interpersonal relationships and at the institutional level.

Honesty is deeply related to other positive values. These include transparency, which is essential in different areas of society. An honest attitude allows to develop in a healthy way family, romantic, and student relationships, but it is also essential in more complex processes within the state structure of every country. In this way, we find that it is a value that is linking justice, creating an atmosphere of trust and harmony.

Although depending on social conventions, there are norms and rules that regulate the actions of individuals, values ​​always serve as a reference guide when making a decision. Thinking about this, honesty becomes the best alternative to combat hypocrisy and lack of loyalty. Any interpersonal relationship that lacks it is destined to fail since it will be inevitable that lies and manipulation interfere with its development.

On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that honesty is not a virtue with which one is born. Although some think that it is part of every child since its early years, it should not be confused with innocence and purity, which are based on its lack of ability to understand the nature of its acts. Their behavior is not absent from evil or seeks the truth as a personal goal, but these concepts are still unknown and only express what they feel.

Dishonest people are harmful elements in any kind of situation. In interpersonal relationships, they are the agents of conflict, and then being discovered will be treated with caution and even distrust. However, it is inevitable that in today’s world, where there are high levels of corruption in governments, this attitude is taken as an example.

Finally, it only remains to say that it is necessary to exalt values ​​such as honesty so that it is possible to establish transparent communication. This should become a priority for schools, families and the media, teaching children how they should behave, and how important it means to be honest throughout their lives.

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