Example Essay on Intrafamily violence

Example essay on intrafamily violence. This is an argumentative essay that talks about the critical situation that is experienced in some families due to violence and the consequences it has on children.

Title of the essay: “Children and the consequences of intrafamily violence”

Type of essay: Argumentative essayEssay on Intrafamily Violence

Length: 430 words

Topic: Domestic violence

Among the components that define human nature is violence, forming part of the instinctive aspect that we all possess to a lesser or greater extent. In this way, it manifests as a force that surpasses self-control, and the person becomes an aggressor agent who exercises his power over the victim. Although a clear example of this reality is seen in armed conflicts, in recent years its presence in the home and families has increased. This is what is known as intrafamily violence, where the most affected are children.

Child abuse is not limited to physical or verbal aggression that parents can exercise over their children, but it begins before birth. To understand this, it is necessary to take into account pregnancy and the relationship that exists between the people involved. When the mother goes through depression that is caused by her partner, there is a chemical imbalance in the body, causing a series of negative effects on the unborn baby.

Another aspect to consider is the same conception, given that when it occurs in the midst of dysfunctional relationships, such as those based on a psychological dependence, it is more likely that in the future there will be cases of intrafamily violence. The same happens in situations of unwanted pregnancy, where parents are filled with anguish and often create an environment of unhealthy growth.

The aforementioned concerns are added to the indecisions of the couple, who are looking for a quick solution to try to remedy the problems they are going through. This opts for marriage or forced coexistence, causing the child to feel like a burden. Although over the years can receive treatment to feel accepted, the emotional impact he has suffered will mark him for life. This is where the real problem begins because it increases the chances of you growing up as a violent adult, without really understanding the reason for your behavior. In this way, we realize that intrafamily violence becomes the cause and effect of an endless cycle.

All these variables must be studied to establish family planning programs. Likewise, it is important that schools and other educational centers teach classes of sexual responsibility, only in this way it will be possible to prevent immature young people from making decisions that will unfairly affect an innocent child. On the other hand, it is necessary to instill values ​​such as understanding and respect in the new generations, teaching them always that they must become better people than their parents.

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