Essay on Kindness

“Help others!” It is my life creed. It’s not just a combination of empty words for me and I don’t try to attract general attention to my personality that way. I am not a public person and I will not be shortlisted in the Forbes list of the most important philanthropists of the year. I just don’t need everyone to whisper: “Oh! He is so kind! «I don’t boast about myself when they ask me about my own criteria of happiness and I answer honestly that» Helping others makes me happy «. I don’t scream about my kindness, I just don’t stand up. Do not keep silent when you have the opportunity to talk to people and ask them to pay more attention to other living things.

Essay on Kindness

I only say about my parameters, which were formed a long time ago: my parents were the friendliest people I knew. Our house was always full of homeless cats, dogs with broken legs, hungry puppies and birds that fell from nests. Almost every day we were visited by our neighbors, family and friends, who needed the help of my parents. It was fantastic, although each of those people and animals was helped! We weren’t super rich and my father didn’t have the newest Lamborghini, although we were happy without any material good.

Be merciful

I try to continue our family tradition to be merciful. I simply help all those people who need my help, and the most important thing I can do then is tell my actions in my essay on how to help others. Frankly, I prefer not to mention my good works. I am sure that the real helpers keep their merits unnoticed. The need to write an essay about helping others made me start discussing this topic in public.

Being merciful is really happiness. If you commit good deeds, do not expect praise and verse in your name. Get ready for anyone to dedicate any song to you and paint your portraits. Helping others is your mission and the sooner you understand this, the faster you begin to get satisfaction from your actions.

The greatest gift, which can be given for his kindness, are the happy eyes of the people helped and encouraged. Do not expect any mountain of gold. Money really is not the greatest treasure.

Improving the world

Millions of people try to improve the world day after day. The celebrities are among them. Who are these people, who care for others rather than their own lives? Who are those who are not afraid to visit the hottest and hottest corners of our planet? Who transfers millions of dollars to orphan asylum accounts and adopts children from troubled families?

No one makes Angelina Jolie travel the world and help poor countries. No one forces her to adopt children and care for those she cannot assimilate.

There are still many international problems and poverty, cataclysms and wars still need the kind intervention of the people. It is not in our power to change the world so radically. None of us can stop the war or give someone the amount of money they need. We can make the tornado stop destroying buildings and kill people, although the general situation in the world depends on us! Each of us can do a little better and for this, you should not apply too much effort. Ask your neighbor about his life, tell him a kind word and listen to his problems. If you make at least one person happier and don’t stop helping others, the world will improve and people will become friendlier.

I have a dream and I don’t say anything to anyone. I fear it will never come true … I am a suitable person, so I know that it is really impossible for me to become … I want to be a goodwill ambassador. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I’m not a celebrity. I don’t have a Miss Universe degree, and my education isn’t enough to take that position. Since no one forbids me to fly high in the clouds, I continue to dream and wait for my lucky day to come.

How to start loving people more? How to start helping others, if you’ve never done this before? It is never too late to take the first step and change your attitude towards life and people.

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