Expository Essay on Nature

Title of the essay: Human development and its effect on nature

Type of essay: Expository essayEssay on Nature

Length: 442 words

Topic: Nature

Unlike past centuries, there is now an alarming imbalance between human development and the stability of nature. The progress of civilization in its different aspects has improved the lives of countless people, of that there is no doubt, but many specialists believe that it has been accelerated, without thinking about future generations. This reality makes it necessary to analyze the different problems facing the planet, especially those that are an effect of human development.

Today, we all have an obligation to keep ourselves informed about the challenges that exist to maintain and improve the state of the environment, with the aim of proposing strategies and plans to achieve sustainable development. However, it is paradoxical that this responsibility is often left aside by the companies and governments of each country, when they are the main culprits of environmental deterioration.

Thus, it is very important to propose global agreements to mitigate the damage that constantly affects nature. Not only must they talk about the sustainability of renewable and non-renewable resources, but at the same time, and with the help of men and women of science, they must demonstrate a latent concern that is adequately structured for their viability. While its compliance has to be monitored by the population and specialized institutions, revealing the need for its advances and objectives to be public knowledge and easily accessible.

In Latin America, for example, problems related to the biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus can be found, which results in the poisoning of the lands that are used for cultivation. This is extremely worrying, given that in that part of the world is where the largest agricultural reserves are located. Despite this, the fertilization methods that are employed conflict with the environment, and nature suffers its effects.

On the other hand, countries like Uruguay take into account the climatic phenomena associated with the Pacific Ocean. One of them is known as “El Niño”, which is capable of negatively impacting the lives of many people. Its consequences include fishing losses, droughts and flood generation, which is linked to the low atmospheric pressure that occurs.

Taking all this into account, it is essential to incorporate research departments in each country. However, they not only have to study the present and how to mitigate the damage caused, but they must be able to prevent the possible effects of human development on nature. Only in this way can a sustainable balance be established between man and the environment.

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