Example Essay on Strategic Planning

Example essay on strategic planning. This is an expository essay that informs us about the planning strategy that is used in the media to reinforce advertising.

Title of the essay: “The strategic planning of the media in advertising”

Type of essay: Exhibition essayEssay on Strategic Planning

Length: 435 words

Topic: Strategic planning

Planning or strategic planning is one of the most important processes in the business field because it allows knowing the commercial strengths that are possessed and based on them taking advantage of market opportunities. This is fundamental to comply with the objectives and goals that have been proposed but also to reduce the possible risks and work more effectively. This criterion can be applied in virtually any area of ​​society, representing an essential resource for advertising guidelines in different media.

In the first place, it is necessary to be clear that advertising is responsible for studying all the communication tools that are used to increase the consumption of a product or service. In this way, agencies or specialized areas can know the preferences and tastes of people. From this is that advertising campaigns are created, which are made up of ads and commercials that use written media, radio, film, television and new technologies as a platform.

However, the only way to guarantee that the message will reach the target audience is through the strategic planning of the media. This is achieved using variables that allow us to know the trends that characterize a certain group of people. For example, in the case of adults who work during the day, the best time to locate a television commercial will be during the night, because at this moment is when they are in their homes and looking to relax.

It is worth mentioning that strategic planning in advertising has undergone certain changes in recent decades. This is mainly due to the popularization of the Internet, which has caused large sectors of the population to prefer to spend their free time on social networks or on sites such as YouTube. Faced with this reality, new factors are taken into consideration, but the structure of the process remains the same.

The first step is research, which in this case is supported by databases that gather millions of users and segment them according to their online behavior. This allows ads to appear in the right places, while when dealing with more specific messages you can send personalized mails.

One of the great advantages of the Internet is that most pages are constantly gathering information, something that many people consider invasive, but that facilitates strategic planning in advertising. However, this reveals the importance of having specialized knowledge about which sites are the most popular and how they can be exploited.

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