Know the truth about scholarships

Here is a message for all students who are finishing college or starting their studies at the university. For those who want to have international experiences because they understand the relevance that this has on a personal, academic, and professional level.

To leave the country to study or train in anything, more than the money you need desire, and preparation.

The Truth About Study Abroad Scholarships

Scholarships are financial support provided by governments or private entities so that one can have these international opportunities.

But why would someone sponsor our studies and our travels?

Currently, scholarships are a form of international cooperation between countries to train future leaders who can continue to contribute to national and global development.

Just as countries lend money at ‘preferential’ interest rates, donations are made, and military forces are sent, they also educate each other on issues that jointly benefit them.

The scenarios vary but in general terms, we can classify the scholarships in two:

  • When a foreign country enables one to return to their home country and act as a knowledge multiplier.
  • When a foreign country enables one to stay and contribute in that country, since the local population is not interested in that area of ​​knowledge or because they have a greater demand for talent than the current supply in that field.

This means that the scholarships are NOT awarded for a need of the applicant, but for the interest of the offeror in benefiting or benefiting a friendly nation.

This breaks a very important myth about scholarships, and that is that they are not exclusive to people with financial problems. No. To win a scholarship, you don’t have to hurt yourself but show that you deserve it and that you are the best investment (even if you actually have money problems).

And be careful here because the keyword is ‘demonstrate’. You don’t have to be a mathematical or philosophical genius or a bookworm. One must be to sell oneself in the right way, to convey in an authentic way our wishes to contribute to something bigger than ourselves.

At the end of the day, the bidders rely on the information that one provides them (resume, motivation letter, notes, references) to compare our profile with that of other applicants and make a decision.

Develop the profile to win a scholarship

To win a scholarship or sponsorship, the information one provides must be truthful and verifiable. Therefore, instead of inventing one must start preparing.

Think less about the weekend and more in the long term. Make a plan and develop habits and actions that bring you closer to your goal each day.

How to prepare?

In addition to good grades, there are 5 key characteristics that scholarship providers are looking for in candidates:

  • Leadership
  • Social conscience
  • Employee
  • Languages
  • Motivation

A leader because they influence, know how to work as a team, integrate and develop ideas.

Social conscience ensures that the ideas that are developed also benefit those who need it most of the common interest.

Hard-working because good things take time, they require effort and patience.

Languages ​​because the world tends to unify and not divide. An example of this is that English is the language of most scholarship academic programs.

And motivation because without it nothing is possible.

With this in mind, you can start identifying and implementing actions TODAY to build that profile that in the future will give you an advantage and help you win a scholarship.

1. Leadership

Start participating in research, art, or sports groups. Compete in contests at your college or university. Write publications or attend conferences of your interest.

2. Social awareness

Join these types of causes. Be part of volunteering or be a voice for those who need it in your institution, work, and neighborhood.

3. Worker

Be proactive. Become a mentor on topics that you like and/or are provided to you. Get a part-time or holiday season job.

And if working for someone else is not your thing, then go ahead and start. But don’t worry, you don’t have to invest millions, you can start selling something at home or at your educational institution because those experiences count.

Your relationship with your professors and/or employers and their references will be key when it comes to winning a study abroad scholarship.

4. Languages

Needless to say, the importance of English in today’s globalized world. To learn the language you can use applications such as Duolingo, free pages on the internet or sign up for courses on weekends.

Meet and practice with native speakers in your city. For this, you can join communities such as Couchsurfing, MeetUp, or even host them at home or offer them an experience through Airbnb.

If you can finance a language course abroad, do it.

Scholarships to study English are not an option for people without any knowledge of the language (in addition, they are very few, almost non-existent). Study now and change the chip that English “does not suit you” or that “it is not your thing”.

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