Short Essay on Quality of Life

Example essay on the quality of life. This is an expository essay that informs us about how each government, each person and each society perceives and prioritizes quality of life in a different way.

Title of the essay: “The quality of life as a priority of each government”

Type of essay: Exhibition essayEssay on Quality of LIfe

Length: 416 words

Topic: Quality of life.

There are certain conditions that allow any person to perceive a sense of well-being and satisfaction. This is what is known as quality of life, although it is necessary to understand that it is a concept that implies several levels of generalization, both socially and personally. Thinking about this, in the present essay, I will seek to analyze its most important areas from a multidimensional perspective.

In the first place, physical well-being must be taken into account, which is a consequence of two fundamental aspects. On the one hand, there is health, which depends on the capacity of each government to designate economic resources that allow the construction or maintenance of hospitals, here also include prevention programs and training of the personnel involved. In many cases this reveals an alarming reality, where economic growth focuses on the accumulation of material and monetary wealth, leaving behind the quality of life that people have.

The other aspect is the physical security of each person, which is in constant danger given the increasing crime rate in the world today. This makes it complicated that any citizen can focus on their personal development or on maintaining their family because they are always exposed to robberies, kidnappings or even murders. In this way, the State is in need of establishing effective policies to combat crime, either by improving its police force or by enacting more radical laws.

Quality of life also implies material well-being, which is defined by the ability to feed oneself correctly, the possibility of obtaining housing, the state of transportation, and working conditions. Taken together, these variables have a negative or positive effect on social welfare, which affects personal relationships and community existence.

When these environmental and psychosocial dimensions are taken into account, the concept of quality of life can be analyzed from an emotional point of view. It is here where religious beliefs and the spiritual aspect gain greater value because all people need mental stability to feel good.

Finally, it only remains to say that the government of each country must prioritize the quality of life of its inhabitants. One way to do this is by taking as an example the realities of other more developed nations, where people live better and are happier. This not only means respecting their rights and freedoms, but it is the only way to access sustainable development as a society.

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