Short Essay on Discrimination

This is an expository essay that informs us about the discrimination that exists today and how to combat it.

Title of the essay: “The types of discrimination and their presence in society”

Type of essay: Exhibition essayRacism sign

Length: 445 words

Topic: Discrimination

Despite the great advances in the field of human rights that have occurred in recent decades, there are still many cases of discrimination of different types around the world. Children are expelled from school due to illness, companies are promoted through misogynistic campaigns, job announcements are published that are excluding, law enforcement agents murder foreigners, lesbian women can not register their partners in the insurance, among other incidents that can be condemned.

These situations reveal a very alarming reality, where inequality is part of the routine and has been established in the culture of all countries. On a smaller or greater scale it can be evidenced in different levels how men and women are discriminated by their race, sexual orientation, religious belief, social class, or another characteristic that is not shared by the predominant groups that dominate the judicial system of a certain nation.

In the case of racial discrimination, several events can be found throughout history where the fundamental freedoms of every human being have been impaired. Today this is still happening, and even the current president of the United States became famous during the election campaign for his stance against Muslims. Also demonstrating that inclusion is often left aside, opting for xenophobia.

On the other hand, gender discrimination is quite evident in the business culture of several countries, where women who come to occupy important positions can not adapt to the system that is dominated by a macho perspective. The values ​​that are exalted are those of men, and the salaries they receive are usually lower. This information has been verified by several studies carried out by the World Labor Organization.

It is also necessary to analyze and reflect on homophobia, which represents one of the most common forms of discrimination. Both homosexual men and women are murdered everywhere, but in most cases crimes are treated as passional, when they are clearly motivated by hatred and intolerance. The legalization of homosexual marriage, for example, is seen as inadmissible for many governments and authorities, evidencing that they are not prepared to deal with their social, cultural and legal recognition.

There is no doubt that discrimination will continue to be part of the world for many years, but it can be fought from home and in educational centers, seeking to impart an inclusive and equitable vision of society to new generations. Likewise, it is essential to establish laws that protect minorities, only in this way can we have access to sustainable development, and we can all coexist in peace and tranquility.

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