Sample Essay on Zoo

Zoo is a place of wildness where you get to see almost all kinds of animals that are kept for public display. Animals belong to the forest and sometimes they need a friend too, some animals are too friendly with human they feel extremely loved by how people show affection towards them moreover it helps animals to stay healthy and save them from getting extinct and with a good environment animal’s mental health stays stable.

Zoo is most likely loved to be visited by children and that is a great opportunity to educate them about animal’s health and habits that will feasibly stay with them for a long time. Schools make trips to the zoo which is a good thing for children as the fact that they will learn and understand how important it is to take care of the environment and to educate them about the danger of the wildness. It will be a fun as well as a knowledgeable trip that will enlighten them about stories related to different kinds of animals after all this, they will be able to know about the behaviors of animals, their innocence and how to show care and effectiveness towards them, besides it will definitely be an immense experience for the children that will make them elated.

Zoos are made for people to have an opportunity to interact with the animals but sometime people ask questions like isn’t this animal cruelty capturing animals for people’s pleasure and knowledge? Well the response to that question is animals are wild creatures that lives wildly in forest and there is a very high rate of animal deaths due to starvation and health issue because there is no one in the forest to take care of them they won’t be able to survive their natural setting. However, in the zoo, professionals are there who understands the behavior of animals, take such good care, give good balanced diet and a great environment for them to survive and grow their species. In fact, now animals are given some free time on their own in the zoo to move around freely for some time with absolute discipline either in break or when they are closed so they don’t get bored, stressed, depressed or effects their mental health as they are constantly in their cages. Furthermore, the animals are always looked closely by the professionals and whenever they are hurt or in some kind of a problem they quickly take actions about the situation.

Some people look at zoos with such negativity that captivity of animals for human satisfaction is wrong but what they don’t know is that zoos before may not had the facilities or knowledge about what they were doing which caused animals to suffer and the zoo were not made to impart knowledge but to do business, however, now performing zoo businesses we are protecting the animals to don’t get extinct and to make them survive. Zoo is not just there for fun and knowledge but it plays a very significant part in the survival of animal.

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