Argumentative Essay on Identity

Example essay on identity. This is an argumentative essay that informs us about the different concepts of cultural identity in the countries of Latin America.

Title of the essay: “Cultural identity in the countries of Latin America”

Type of essay: Argumentative essayEssay on Identity

Length: 423 words

Topic: Identity

Identity is one of the most important aspects of the life of any person, having an impact on institutions and countries. At present, where the process of cultural globalization is moving forward in a fast-paced way, it is essential that people reflect on their role in the world, in this way they can establish objectives and consider a particular mission.

The countries that make up Latin America have gone through a series of stages since independence. It is necessary to understand that this process has brought with it the search for a cultural identity, which often comes into conflict with foreign tendencies and the influence of the media at an international level. In most cases, this is due to the growing use of the Internet, which has become part of everyday life.

The construction of a national identity depends very much on the efforts of each government since it is the public officials who set the example. Likewise, it is in their hands to dedicate efforts to exalt the traditions and customs of their nation, without adopting new tendencies that only distort the culture. This discovery and construction is a responsibility of the State, but citizens must also do their part through public debate and the celebration of native festivities.

Apart from religious beliefs, there are annual commotions such as Holy Week that are accompanied by several elements of great cultural richness. In this way, people have the possibility to find aromas, sounds, foods, clothing, and other symbols that are typical of their country. This is very important, given that personal identity is always subject to change and must be reconquered continuously.

Today, modern society prioritizes anti-values ​​such as competition, materialism and lack of solidarity. All this in terms of consumer fashion and hedonism. This reality raises profound questions about social stability, which is threatened by superficial and pragmatic positions. It is here where cultural identity acquires more value, allowing people to understand each other as part of a group, and to work according to progress and sustainable development.

The cultural identity in Latin American countries is the result of a set of interests, codes and rituals, which is shared by the majority of people in a given nation. When you become aware of this, it is easier to consider a personal goal, bearing in mind that we share the same rights and freedoms. Only in this way will we be able to claim and maintain our culture in an ethical and organized way.

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